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ANAFA Center

Anfa Center is being established in Kibbutz Givat Haim Ihud with the mission of providing comprehensive support for individuals seeking to rebuild a healthy and fulfilling life routine.

Guided by the values of home, community, and meaningful action, and leveraging the unique platform of the kibbutz environment, we offer reservists, evacuees, and their families the tools to restore a sense of capability and emotional resilience.

Our goal is to help them spread their wings and soar to new heights.

We are here for you


Reservists and their families after discharge
Evacuees from the south and north who have not yet returned to their homes
Security forces personnel
IDF soldiers wounded in action
Paramedics and care providers

The events of October 7th deeply impacted the fabric of life and disrupted the sense of continuity throughout Israeli society. Soldiers, reservists, and those who supported them in the fight are all working to regain a healthy, stable life routine.

Out of a deep sense of social responsibility, we aim to create a space that offers comprehensive support, helping individuals and families, especially reservists, adapt and return to daily life after the traumatic events of October 7th. Our center provides a lifeline for those struggling to reclaim their normal lives in the aftermath.


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 What Sets Us Apart
Our Unique Approach

A Sense of Home

We provide a warm, supportive environment that feels like home.

Group Therapy with Personal Guidance
Combining group support with personalized attention to meet each individual's needs.

Tailored Care
We offer customized solutions designed to fit each person's unique journey toward healing and growth.

A Variety of Activities
A wide range of activities to foster both emotional and physical well-being.

Career and Academic Counseling
Guidance and support to help individuals navigate their professional and academic paths.

A sense of home
Community and Mutual Support

Our activities are rooted in the values of community and mutual responsibility. By utilizing the kibbutz’s natural environment—featuring serene landscapes, hidden gems, and expansive spaces for reflection—we create a safe space where participants can reconnect with themselves and others who share similar experiences.

In this environment, they can meet, grow, and actively participate in the journey back to routine. We believe these foundational values are a driving force for personal growth and healing.

Group Therapy with Personal Guidance

Our Integrated Model

We have developed an integrated model that combines group processes with personalized guidance, led by experienced therapists who specialize in group facilitation and trauma recovery.

This journey takes place both at our center and in the beautiful natural spaces, hands-on activities, and vibrant community environments available to us.

Tailired care
Personalized Pathways

Every individual has a unique set of resources, needs, and abilities. By combining our therapeutic model with a variety of activities and content, each participant can choose a path that is tailored to their personal journey and best supports their growth.

A variety of activities
Leveraging the Kibbutz Resources

We rely on the rich resources of the kibbutz system, which offers a variety of activities and opportunities for integration. By connecting participants with the kibbutz sectors and the productive community, we provide them with opportunities to realize their abilities, thereby strengthening their sense of capability, self-worth, and personal resilience.


Career and Academic Counseling
Tools for Reintegration

We provide the tools and guidance needed for reintegration into the workforce, academia, and career development, along with practical knowledge to support a successful transition.

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Our Team


Resources Manager

Einat Gore


Operations Manager

Nira Husman


Professional Manager

Yael Navon - Bibliotherapist, Psychotherapist, Trauma



CEO of the Association

Ofer Hagai



Danny Herman (Col. Res)


Professional Consultation


Yoram Ben Yehuda - Clinical Psychologist and Medical Psychologist, Expert, Member of the National Council for Post-Trauma.


Dr. Ofra Cohen-Fried - Expert Clinical Psychologist, Psychoanalyst Supervisor, Head of the Advanced Studies Track in Self Psychology, Psychotherapy Program, Tel Aviv University.


Uri Herman - Expert Clinical Psychologist, Supervisor, Instructor at ITA (the Israeli Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Former Commander of the Northern Command Mental Health Clinic 541.

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